Disease Management Reports

Tomato, sorted by disease:

Bacterial spot (xanthomonas)

Efficacy of bactericide programs including biological pesticides for control of bacterial spot on tomato, 2022

Efficacy of bactericide programs including biological pesticides for control of bacterial spot on tomato, 2021

Efficacy of bactericide programs including LifeGard and Actigard for control of bacterial spot on tomato, 2021

Evaluation of conventional and organic spray programs for control of bacterial spot on fresh-market tomato, 2019

Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for control of bacterial spot on fresh-market tomato, 2018

Evaluation of conventional and organic pesticides for control of bacterial spot on fresh market tomatoes, 2017

Evaluation of pesticides for control of bacterial spot on tomato transplants in the greenhouse, 2016

Evaluation of fungicides for control of late blight and bacterial spot on fresh-market tomato, 2016.

Evaluation of conventional and organic pesticides for control of bacterial spot on fresh-market tomatoes, 2016

bacterial wilt (ralstonia)

Evaluation of grafted rootstocks for control of bacterial wilt on fresh-market tomato, 2020

Early blight & Septoria leaf spot on tomato

Efficacy of fungicide programs including biological pesticides for control of early blight and Septoria leaf spot on tomato, 2022

Efficacy of fungicide programs for control of early blight and Septoria leaf spot on tomato, 2021

Efficacy of organic, conventional, and mixed fungicide programs for control of early blight and Septoria leaf spot on tomato, 2021

Efficacy of fungicides for control of early blight on tomato, 2019

Evaluation of fungicide spray programs for the control of fungal leaf spots on tomato, 2019

Evaluation of fungicides for control of early blight on fresh-market tomato, 2018

Evaluation of conventional and organic pesticides for control of early blight on fresh-market tomato, 2016

gray leaf spot (stemphylium) on tomato

Efficacy of fungicide programs including biological pesticides for control of gray leaf spot on tomato, 2022

Efficacy of fungicide programs for control of gray leaf spot on tomato, 2021

Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) on tomato

Efficacy of fungicide programs for control of late blight on tomato, 2022

Efficacy of fungicide spray programs for control of late blight on tomato, 2019

Efficacy of two biological control agents for management of late blight of tomato in North Carolina, 2018

Evaluation of fungicides for control of late blight and bacterial spot on fresh-market tomato, 2016.



Efficacy of pesticides for control of cucurbit downy mildew on fresh-market cucumber, 2022

Evaluation of fungicides for control of downy mildew on cucurbits, 2019


Efficacy of fungicide programs for control of Phytophthora root rot and blight on pepper, 2022


Evaluation of basil varieties for resistance to downy mildew in North Carolina, 2019


Efficacy of preventative and curative fungicide applications to control rust on switchgrass, 2017

Evaluation of fungicides for control of powdery mildew of zinnia in the greenhouse, 2018